
Preparing for a Primal Road Trip

Nothing says classic summer vacation like hitting the open road with friends or family on a road trip. The summer of 2020 brought this old-school family tradition back into fashion, with folks hitting the highways like never before, eager for COVID-safe travel. So before packing your bags and gassing up the car, consider some pre-planning […]


Keto on the Trail: What to Pack for Primal and Keto Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking

One of the upsides of indoor venues being closed this past year is that a lot of people have (re)discovered a love of the great outdoors. More people than ever seem to be venturing out on the trails, camping with their families, and generally taking advantage of nature. Although avid hikers and campers might lament […]


A Fresh Look at High-Protein

Ten years ago, I ate a high protein diet. I regularly ate and recommended a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. That meant I was putting down 160, 170 grams of protein a day myself. Later, I moderated my protein intake and focused more on my fat intake, thinking that I’d be better off […]


Ways to Get Your Electrolytes (That Aren’t Sports Drinks)

When we talk about “getting enough electrolytes,” we usually mean the big three: sodium, potassium, and magnesium. There are many others, including calcium, chloride, and bicarbonate, but the big three are the ones targeted by supplement and sports nutrition companies. In part, that’s because sodium especially, but also potassium and magnesium, are lost through sweat. […]


How to Turn a Burger Into the Perfect Food

Potentially controversial statement alert: burgers are the most perfect food.  Hear me out.  Burgers are delicious. They are portable. As meat goes, ground beef is relatively affordable. It takes less than 10 minutes to cook a burger on the stovetop or grill. Kids and adults like them equally. Most of all, they are endlessly adaptable. […]


4 Budget Carniflex Recipes: Cost-effective Ground Beef Bowls for the Carnivore Diet

Soon after starting a carnivore diet, you may be wondering what to eat to keep things interesting. With an eating style that’s so restrictive, it’s easy to get bored quickly. That’s where sauces, dressings, and marinades come in. If you’re pure carnivore, those are out, but a lot of people are adopting a Carniflex style […]


Ask a Health Coach: More of Your Carb Questions Answered

Hi folks, in today’s Ask a Health Coach, Erin will be answering a few more of your carb-related questions, from knowing which ones to include in your total macro intakes  to strategies for managing the aftermath of a carb binge. We love getting your questions, so be sure to post them in the Mark’s Daily […]


9 Ways to Customize Your Keto Diet

The keto diet has a reputation for being strict and regimented. Some guidelines you do have to follow, particularly concerning carbohydrate intake. However, just as a Primal diet allows plenty of room for personalization based on food preferences, goals, activity level, and more, keto diets can actually be quite flexible. In fact, once you’ve successfully […]


Can You Eat an Intuitive Keto Diet?

When you first start following a keto diet, overthinking is pretty much part of the package. For better or worse, keto newbies spend a lot of time learning what they can and can’t eat, meticulously weighing and measuring food, and tracking everything that goes in their mouths. Weighing, tracking, and restricting become understandably tedious after […]