Business COVID 19

We Are in Need of a G.I. Bill for frontline Employees, the Personalities of COVID-19

COVID-19 proceeds to wreak havoc, since the illness has infected over 8.6 million Americans, 225,000 of whom have expired. It’s also raised a set of heroes: the frontline employees who risk their own lives daily to make our lives possible.  These personalities include medical employees such as physicians, nurses, physicians and health care technicians, in […]


Dear Joe Biden: Rich Americans like me Need to pay Much higher taxes than you Are Suggesting

Before this autumn, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden did something virtually no other important presidential candidate has performed over the campaign trail–he also guaranteed to increase people’s taxes. Bucking years of conventional wisdom which talking about increasing taxes would be a surefire way to get rid of an election,” Biden guaranteed  to increase taxation on America’s wealthiest businesses”on […]