Games World

Keep Calm, But Square Enix Has Trademarked ‘Tactics Ogre: Reborn’ In Japan

“We are not alone in our loyalty”. Do you think Square Enix has got a hankering for strategy RPGs lately? What with Triangle Strategy being a roaring success, and the recently-announced The DioField Chronicle, the company seem to be storming the castle on the genre. Look, if you’re into strategy RPGs, it’s likely that – […]

Gambling World

WHAT WOULD YOU DO? With Adrian Mateos

Adrain Mateos breaks down a key hand between himself and Yuri Dzivielevski during the final table of the 50,000 Euro buy in super high roller event at EPT Pokerstars Prague. — EPT PRAGUE UPDATES — [URL][/URL] — JOIN CLUB POKERNEWS ON CLUBGG — [URL][/URL] — LATEST POKER NEWS, STRATEGY AND UPDATES — — LEARN […]

Games World

LEGO x Epic Games Announced, Planning A ‘Metaverse’ For Kids

Going after Roblox, probably. How do you get a technology executive all giddy and excited? Talk about the Metaverse and a new era for the internet, of course, and now two giants in the entertainment and toy space are teaming up on a major new project in that space. In what could become a significant […]

Games World

The Wii U Gets Another New Game As 2.5D Platformer ‘Pad Of Time’ Launches Next Week

Wii U means life, right? Back in November, we thought Captain U would be the last Wii U game released on the system. But, thanks to Markanime, that’s not the case. Pad of Time is a 2.5D platformer inspired by N64 classics that lets you travel between the past, present, and future of every single […]

Games World

Nintendo Download: 7th April (North America)

Chrono Cross! 13 Sentinels! Don’t Starve Together! The latest Nintendo Download update for North America has arrived, and it’s bringing new games galore to the eShop in your region. As always, be sure to drop a vote in our poll and comment down below with your potential picks for the week. Enjoy! Switch eShop – […]

Games World

Nintendo Download: 7th April (Europe)

LEGO Star Wars! House of the Dead! Chrono Cross! The latest Nintendo Download update for Europe has arrived, and it’s bringing new games galore to the eShop in your region. As always, be sure to drop a vote in our poll and comment down below with your potential picks for the week. Enjoy! Switch Retail […]

Games World

Looks Like Nintendo Has Been Reprinting 3DS Retail Games For A Final Hurrah

Look for thinner boxes and tweaked package design. The 3DS was officially discontinued back in September 2020, with hardware production ending for a system that couldn’t match the dizzy heights of its predecessor (the DS), but nevertheless remains a favourite for plenty of Nintendo gamers. There are definitely a few members of the 3DS fan […]

Games World

Feature: Nintendo Reigns Supreme At The Science Museum’s ‘Power UP’ Exhibition

Play some of gaming’s most iconic consoles and games. Walking into the Basement Gallery of the London Science Museum, you’re greeted by an uncomfortable warmth that often comes with gaming events, but this is soon forgotten when you cast your eyes over the sea of consoles lying in wait. We’re all so used to seeing […]