
Las Vegas Casino Closures for Christmas?

Resorts in Nevada have been able to recuperate from the closed down earlier this season. Currently, Governor Sisolak is now thinking of new vegas casino closures since the pandemic continues to innovate. Earlier this week that the Governor conveyed that shutting down casinos at the country for another period was a really real chance. He […]


Illinois Sports Betting Ranked $285 Million to September

September was only the next month of performance for Illinois sports gambling, and over 90 percent of those stakes came from cellular devices. The nation has witnessed steady and amazing growth since it started regulating the action in March. Some business analysts estimate Illinois may {} with Nevada sports betting earnings over just the upcoming […]

Gambling World

PokerNews Week in Review: WSOP Happening & More Daniel v Doug Drama

Just when you thought the Daniel Negreanu vs Doug Polk Challenge couldn’t have anymore drama, Bill Perkins Tweeted that the challenge was on hold due to another disagreement on the rules. Phil Galfond was invited to be the arbitrator, (not the first time he has been asked into this type of role), and Chad Holloway, […]