
Autonomous battery-powered rail cars could steal shipments from truckers

Enlarge / Two Parallel Systems rail vehicles transport a container down a test track in Southern California. (credit: Parallel Systems) For the last 200 years, freight trains haven’t changed much; massive locomotives still move relatively dumb freight cars. Certainly, rail fans could argue that plenty has changed—they’re not wrong! —but from a distance, trains work […]


Can we use big batteries to power our trains?

Enlarge / An eastbound manifest freight swoops through an S curve in Lombard Canyon, just east of Toston, Montana, on September 11, 2011. The tracks here snake along the Missouri River between Toston and Lombard. (credit: Mike Danneman / Getty Images ) With the rapid pace of development in electric vehicles, we will likely get […]


Self-driving Waymo trucks to haul loads between Houston and Fort Worth

Enlarge / Will Waymo’s autonomous truck honk its horn for little kids on the freeway? (credit: Waymo) On Thursday morning, Waymo announced that it is working with trucking company JB Hunt to autonomously haul cargo loads in Texas. Class 8 JB Hunt trucks equipped with the autonomous driving software and hardware system called Waymo Driver […]

Business COVID 19

The U.K. is Confronting a Christmas food crisis, since France closes Boundary to trucks Within mutant COVID-19 Breed

The French authorities inflicted a 48-hour ban on the two trucks and people coming to the nation in the U.K., beginning now. The choice is very likely to cripple U.K. commerce with the rest of Europe, a lot of that crosses involving Calais, in France, also Dover[/ / hotlink], at England. The prospective food shortages […]