
The Entire World is Trying to Biden to Reestablish trust in International Investment and Trade

Two major stories dominated the entire world media over the last couple of months: The outcomes of this American presidential elections followed with the statement of effective COVID-19 vaccine trials by several drugmakers, such as Pfizer and its partners. The joyous international response to the vaccine statement isn’t a surprise, but given the catastrophic effect of […]


The U.K. will Accompany with Exactly the U.S. and Europe in Becoming Harder on’hostile’ foreign Exchange

The British government has proposed that a law that will give it more leeway to explore and intervene in {} of”aggressive foreign direct investment” Even the National Security and Investment Bill, introduced Wednesday, might imply additional scrutiny for takeovers of all U.K. businesses in {} like artificial intelligence, autonomous robotics, and quantum engineering, in case […]