
The physics of why food sometimes sticks to the center of a nonstick frying pan

Enlarge / Foods will sometimes get stuck to a heated surface, even if oil or a nonstick frying pan is used. Scientists have concluded that convection may be to blame. (credit: Dan Tentler/via Getty Images) Home cooks around the world have relied on nonstick cookware for decades for quick and easy cleanup after preparing meals. […]


Egg yolks can shed light on traumatic brain injury, study finds

A rotational deceleration experiment with egg yolk, using an egg scrambler and measuring the soft matter deformation, to find possible answers about concussions. (video link) A growing number of professional football players have been diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), likely the result of suffering repeated concussions or similar repetitive brain trauma […]


Tiny Edition of USS Voyager sheds light on Math of microswimmers

Expand / SEM picture of a 3D-printed microscopic version of this USS Voyager, also a literary Intrepid class starship in the Star Trek franchise. Assessing such items could result in miniature robots to get targeted drug delivery, along with other programs. Physicists in Leiden University in the Netherlands have established a 3D-printed microscopic version of […]


Explaining Memory at the absence of soap: It Is a Pressure gradient

Expand (charge: Puamelia/ / Flickr) Foaming is nature’s way of creating beer much more flavorful. Nevertheless not all of foams are known since they do not appear to comply with the version that explains the majority of the restof the Knowing these irregular foams is crucial, since they frequently employ from the food-processing and petrochemical […]