
How to Use a Foam Roller

Foam rollers are very popular these days. Places like Target and Walmart carry them. Grandmas and grandpas are foam rolling. Doctors are prescribing them. What began as a niche mobility tool used only by the most obscure fitness nerds has become commonplace. But if you want to get the most value out of your foam […]

Health LifeStyle World

Power Workout for Maximum Fat Loss

By Gabrielle Young, DO Scientific research reveals the importance of proper training in order to obtain the most beneficial results. Basically, in order utilize our body’s own hormone systems, we need to exercise differently than previously thought. Endurance, muscle development, fat loss and improved training are largely a result of increased base levels of human […]

Health LifeStyle World

Sculpting the Perfect Butt

By Shoshana Pritzker Glutes give us a cushion when we’re seated and they make a statement as we walk away. And whether you need to firm up or build up your booty, David Kirsch, celebrity trainer and author of the best-selling Butt Book, is the man who knows how to get the job done. “I […]


Posture Correctors: Helpful or All Hype?

Posture seems to be on everyone’s mind right now thanks to the uptick in work-from-home jobs, coupled with the fact that practically everyone has a mobile device to stare at. Cue my usual laments about the sedentary nature of the modern lifestyle. Not only do we sit too much and move too little, many folks […]

Health LifeStyle World

Lose 25 Pounds of Fat by July 4th

I live the fitness lifestyle year-round, 360 days per year, seven days of every week, and 24 hours of every day. I understand that not everyone does that. But, if there are seasons to regroup and apply great nutrition and fitness guidelines, spring is one of them. People are generally more active at this time […]


Dear Mark: Creatine for Women

For this week’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering a question that came in response to my previous post on teens and creatine usage. Should women take creatine? Are there any differences in creatine metabolism between men and women? Does creatine work the same in women? And, the age-old question, will creatine make women bulky? […]

Health LifeStyle World

Get a Firm Butt and Thighs With Squat Jumps

Spring is a great time to take stock of how your winter diet and training have progressed. Perhaps your self-examination will reveal that your thighs, calves and buttocks are softer and sagging a bit more than you want. Even if this is the case today, a tighter diet and focused attack on the lower body […]


Benefits of Cycling for Health and Fitness

As a former elite triathlete, I’ve spent more time in the saddle (the bike saddle, that is) than I care to remember. Hour upon hour up and down mountains, through countryside and towns, cranking away on the pedals. That might sound like a cool gig—and it was for a time—but those training sessions slowly wore […]

Health LifeStyle World

Reduce Stress, Fatigue and Pain With Yoga

It’s no secret that yoga is relaxing for both body and mind, and study after study supports that claim. Healthy individuals can use yoga to reduce stress in their daily lives, but research indicates yoga may also improve cardiovascular health, and help curb fatigue and increase physical well-being for those undergoing cancer treatments. Yoga Increases […]


Dear Mark: What is Turkesterone, and Can It Help Me Build Muscle?

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering questions about a rather mysterious supplement called turkesterone. I’ve been getting questions about it lately, specifically regarding its promise for muscle building. Turkesterone has exploded in popularity, but there isn’t much solid information to go on. Compared to supplements with reams of human research, like whey isolate or […]