
Researchers peek at proprietary data of US particle physics lab Fermilab

Enlarge (credit: Glukicov) Multiple unsecured entry points allowed researchers to access data belonging to Fermilab, a national particle physics and accelerator lab supported by the Department of Energy. This week, security researchers Robert Willis, John Jackson, and Jackson Henry of the Sakura Samurai ethical hacking group have shared details on how they were able to get […]


Fermilab’s latest muon measurements hint at cracks in the Standard Model

Enlarge / The Muon g-2 particle storage ring, now housed at Fermilab. (credit: Cindy Arnold/Fermilab) The Muon g-2 experiment (pronounced “gee minus two”) is designed to look for tantalizing hints of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. It does this by measuring the magnetic field (aka the magnetic moment) generated by a subatomic […]