
Can A.I. bring back the three-martini lunch?

Imagine the life of an advertising executive and a scene from Mad Men is likely to come to mind: Don Draper snake-charming a pair of Kodak marketing executives with a perfectly crafted pitch about the emotional pull of nostalgia (“It’s delicate, but potent…”) in order to win the account for their new slide projector. “This […]


Marketers can’t predict what you’ll buy—even if they use A.I.

Popular media has been warning us about the ability of unsavory marketers and other bad actors to predict and even control our choices using the latest in tracking and artificial intelligence technologies.   In the 2019 Netflix documentary The Great Hack, for instance, the case is made that the data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica scraped social media […]


At times the simplest Applications of A.I. Would Be the Very Best

We have written previously about the battle businesses are having recognizing monetary benefits from artificial intelligence. Too frequently A.I. endeavors disappoint. Perhaps part of the challenge is just one of expectations–most A.I. jobs are too tough. Occasionally it’s the easiest, most mundane applications of system learning, which may have the greatest consequences. Lately, I talked […]