
Command line wizardry, part two: Variables and loops in Bash

Enlarge / Getting the hang of iteratively building commands interactively is all it really takes to become a command line wizard. (credit: Bashar Shglila / Getty Images ) In our first tutorial on command line wizardry, we covered simple redirection and the basics of sed, awk, and grep. Today, we’re going to introduce the concepts […]


Linux/BSD Command Line 101: Using awk, sed, and grep in the Terminal

Enlarge (credit: jozefmicic via Getty Images ) As a relatively isolated junior sysadmin, I remember seeing answers on Experts Exchange and later Stack Exchange that baffled me. Authors and commenters might chain 10 commands together with pipes and angle brackets—something I never did in day-to-day system administration. Honestly, We doubted the real-world value of that. […]


MySQL 101: Installation, care, and feeding on Ubuntu

Enlarge / Warning: Learning the care and feeding of MySQL instances does not grant knowledge of or safe interaction with actual marine mammals. (credit: Oracle) One of the tasks nearly any sysadmin frequently encounters is the care and feeding of the MySQL database server. You can build an entire career around nothing but this topic—making […]


Mac utility Homebrew finally gets native Apple Silicon and M1 support

Enlarge / Users can install Homebrew via the Terminal in macOS. (credit: Samuel Axon) Popular Mac tool Homebrew has long been used by developers and others for package management on macOS, but as we lamented in our first M1 Mac review, it didn’t support Apple Silicon when Apple’s new Macs first launched late last year. […]