
AT&T/Verizon lobby keeps claiming that home-Internet prices are dropping

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | spxChrome) US government data shows that home-Internet customers pay more each year and that average broadband expenditures are rising faster than inflation, but cable and telecom lobbies keep claiming that broadband prices are getting lower. The latest example came Wednesday from USTelecom, which represents AT&T, Verizon, CenturyLink/Lumen, Frontier, and other […]


Ajit Pai promised cheaper Internet—real prices rose 19 percent instead

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | MirageC) The average US home-Internet bill increased 19 percent during the first three years of the Trump administration, disproving former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai’s claim that deregulation lowered prices, according to a new report by advocacy group Free Press. For tens of millions of families that aren’t wealthy, […]