
What Biden’s Cabinet picks say about how he plans to govern

Joe Biden promised that his presidency would mean a return to normalcy. His Cabinet picks help demonstrate how he plans to deliver. The president-elect announced his final nominees this past week, completing a diverse team of two dozen people. He noted Friday that this will be the “first Cabinet ever” to reach gender parity and […]


Biden will speed up vaccine distribution by reversing a Trump policy

President-elect Joe Biden will release most available COVID-19 vaccine doses to speed delivery to more people, a reversal of the Trump administration policy, his office said Friday. “The president-elect believes we must accelerate distribution of the vaccine while continuing to ensure the Americans who need it most get it as soon as possible,” spokesman T.J. […]


Biden taps Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo as Commerce Secretary

President-elect Joe Biden has chosen Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo as his nominee for commerce secretary, a person familiar with the matter said Thursday. Raimondo, a former venture capital executive, has focused on building relationships with business during her time as governor, a job she’s held since 2015. She was her state’s first female governor. […]


The S&P is rallying—even after a violent mob stormed Congress

The S&P 500 is still rallying. Despite an armed insurrection in Congress intended to disrupt the certification of the U.S. presidential election results, global markets are in the green on Thursday morning, as confidence that further economic stimulus is on its way appeared to overrule what many have called the most severe threat to American […]


Democrats stun in Georgia runoffs, seizing control of the Senate ahead of Biden’s presidency

For the first time since January 2015, the majority of the Senate is in the hands of the Democrats. The party pulled off a stunning double victory in Georgia’s runoff elections, turning the traditionally conservative state firmly blue following President-elect Joe Biden’s win there in November. With Vice President–elect Kamala Harris’s tie-breaking vote in the […]


Biden to name judge Merrick Garland as attorney general

President-elect Joe Biden has selected Merrick Garland, a federal appeals court judge who in 2016 was snubbed by Republicans for a seat on the Supreme Court, as his attorney general, two people familiar with the selection process said Wednesday. In picking Garland, Biden is turning to an experienced judge who held senior positions at the […]


Why Sen. Hawley’s objection matters—even if he can’t stop Biden from being President

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri announced on Wednesday that he will object to the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the Electoral College when Congress meets for a joint session next week. The move will force a vote in both the Senate and House following a floor debate, which some Republican lawmakers are […]

Business COVID 19

Only 2.1 million Americans have received their first dose of the COVID vaccine

President-elect Joe Biden criticized the Trump administration Tuesday for the pace of distributing COVID-19 vaccines and predicted that “things will get worse before they get better” when it comes to the pandemic. “We need to be honest — the next few weeks and months are going to be very tough, very tough for our nation. […]


Under Biden, expect more scrutiny of Big Tech and mergers

Our mission to make business better is fueled by readers like you. To enjoy unlimited access to our journalism, subscribe today. The Biden administration is expected to take a tougher stance against acquisitions than President Trump’s while continuing a recent flurry of antitrust cases against Big Tech. “Antitrust law and policy are poised for a course […]


Biden’s first 100 times: Student loan debt Will Not Move Anyplace

As college students throughout the nation struggle between online and for-profit college, reimagining and surfing exactly what the higher education landscape resembles beneath the burden of a pandemic which has murdered over 320,000 Americans and contaminated 18 million {} convention remains: hefty lodging prices and past-due student loan debt.  This season, the USA broke records, […]