
Roman Reigns has become stale, but does Vince even want a way out?

At the top, I should state that I’m all for anybody making their bag with putting their body at less and less risk. If Roman Reigns wants to continue to make his millions by wrestling only 20 times a year, you get that, my friend. If he wants to do it by removing all risk […]


Nostalgia is WWE’s biggest weapon… with a tinge of spite

There might not be a promise I’ve broken more than saying I won’t mention AEW when discussing WWE, and vice versa. I’m not really sure I’ve ever gotten it right. It’s not so easy when that’s the main narrative of the wrestling industry these days. And it’s also hard to avoid when WWE, on their […]


AEW out-Manias WrestleMania

AEW has been such crazy fun and so ridiculous that it pretty much makes me a hypocrite on a weekly basis. I’ve said, on more than one occasion, that trying to compare AEW and WWE is pointless and a bit too cynical. They’re two different things, even if they’re in the same general industry. And […]


Boy… Charlotte Flair sounds like a barrel of kittens

Backstage drama in professional wrestling is part of the charm, given that it usually finds its way into their on-screen storytelling. Reading about rumors and whispers in the business becomes a major staple for a lot of fans. But still, like sports, when things from backstage and in the locker room get consistently… Read more…


The pandemic era has ended for AEW and WWE. Now what?

You wouldn’t think a video package simply about a wrestling company being stuck in one location for 15 months can bring a tear to the eye, but I suppose that’s a testament to the production team at AEW: Read more…


Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks did the thing

The main event of Wrestlemania has had a bit of a rough streak the past few years. That could simply be a product of cramming Brock Lesnar and his wavering dedication and attention span in there repeatedly. But it could also be that it’s just really hard for that one match to thread all the […]


It was a great weekend for terrible people in wrestling

It is often said that WWE does its best booking when backed into a corner. That is, whether through injuries to performers or sudden waves of popularity or other factors, when the company has to change or invent stories on the fly is when it tends to produce its best work. Daniel Bryan is a […]


However you feel about pro wrestling, Bianca Belair’s Royal Rumble win matters on many levels

People who watch wrestling often argue over the legitimacy of the art form with friends who don’t watch. The skeptic will often point to the staged punches and kicks, ignoring the very real table bumps, glass spots, and other physical demands that most human beings aren’t cut out for. The wrestling fan typically… Read more…