
BCI lets completely “locked-in” man communicate with his son, ask for a beer

The Wyss Center for Bio and Neoroengineering has developed communications a platform for people with complete locked-in syndrome. A 36-year-old German man in a completely locked-in state was outfitted with a novel brain-computer interface (BCI) system that relies on auditory feedback. The man learned to alter his brain activity in response to that auditory feedback […]


High-bandwidth wireless BCI demonstrated in humans for first time

Enlarge / The BrainGate research consortium has achieved the first human use of a high-bandwidth, wireless brain-computer interface, enabling tetraplegic participants in a clinical trial to use the device without being tethered by a cable. (credit: kentoh/iStock/Getty Images) Coming on the heels of the Neuralink announcement earlier this month—complete with video showing a monkey playing […]