
Tesla Bot is the company’s troubled Autopilot system in humanoid form

Enlarge / Not sure how those joints will work… (credit: Tesla ) Not content to be an automaker or even an energy company, Tesla now wants people to think of it as a robotics company}. At Tesla’s “AI Day” presentation yesterday, CEO Elon Musk made the surprise announcement that the company is working on a […]


When robots screw up, how can they regain human trust?

Enlarge / Today, in robots-and-fireworks news. (credit: Getty Images ) Establishing human-robot harmony in the workplace isn’t always easy. Beyond the common fear of automation taking human jobs, robots sometimes simply mess up. When this happens, reestablishing trust between robots and their human colleagues can be a tricky affair. However, new research sheds some light […]


Ford’s ever-smarter robots are speeding up the assembly line

Enlarge / Ford is adding artificial intelligence to its robotic assembly lines. In 1913, Henry Ford revolutionized car-making with the first moving assembly line, an innovation that made piecing together new vehicles faster and more efficient. Some hundred years later, Ford is now using artificial intelligence to eke more speed out of today’s manufacturing lines. […]


The technological hurdles of onboarding new employees in a pandemic

It’s challenging enough to find a qualified new employee in the midst of a pandemic, but once you do, making the person feel like a member of the team can be especially hard. Human contact is still not safe. The days of office holiday parties and after-work drinks at the bar around the corner are […]


Business could be on the precipice of an automation explosion

Automation is hardly a new threat to workers. Long before the arrival of COVID-19 disrupted businesses, many manufacturing executives were already changing how their companies assembled products, and other industries were considering following suit. But as the global crisis has dragged on, the pandemic could be accelerating that shift. “Every time there’s a disruption it […]