Games World

Is Nintendo Planning To Resurrect The Pokémon Mini For Pokémon’s 25th Birthday?

Wishful thinking, perhaps?

There’s certainly plenty of stuff happening this year to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon franchise, including games, merchandise and even music, but it’s fair to say that Nintendo and The Pokémon Company haven’t revealed everything that’s occurring over the next few months – which means people are on the lookout for any hint relating to other Pokémon-related festivities.

Take Nintendo Life reader Ash, for example. He emailed in to point out that, on the Nintendo UK site, a new search category has been added which mentions the Pokémon Mini handheld. In the “Originally For” section, Pokémon Mini now has its own listing, alongside the likes of the Game Boy, GameCube and Super Nintendo.

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