7 High-Street Insiders Just Shared Their Key Spring Buys With Me
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How to find the best pieces on the high street? Go to the source. We have a direct line to insiders from our favourite affordable brands, so it makes sense that we’d tap them first before entering a new season—especially during a time when our editors don’t have their usual chance to peruse the spring collections on press days six months in advance, or even in situ once they’ve landed.
This group of experts is made up of the people who know the latest drops inside and out, having the chance to preview—or even help shape—items before everyone else gets to see them. They can also take a measure on how their peers and coworkers respond to these creations, which in turn will inform how the general public will likely shop. So with spring offerings starting to properly filter in, we have turned to those who know best.
From leading marketing directors to personal shoppers, brand representatives to associated influencers, below you’ll find a cross-section of Britain’s retail gurus. Each has cherry-picked a key item or look for the new season, aka the winning pieces that will sell out first. So heed their advice and take a few styling tips along the way too.
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