I Just Tried the New Curly Hair Brand That’s Trending on Instagram
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Ever wondered whether a new beauty launch or trending product is truly worth the hype? Good news—you’re in the right place. I Just Tried… is our regular beauty column where we test out everything from new formulations to cult classics to find out whether they’re really worth your money. Oh, and we’ll even answer the most-searched-for questions so you don’t have to.
When a new brand launches and then takes ages to launch in the UK, naturally the anticipation to get your hands on it builds more the usual—which is exactly what happened when I first heard about new curl brand on the block, Bread Beauty Supply. The only thing that stopped me from ordering it from overseas when I first saw it trending on Instagram? Those international shipping costs.
You see, everything about this brand launch spoke to me and my Afro-textured hair. Founded by Maeva Heim, the brand was born when Heim noticed a lack of options for her curls growing up in Perth, Australia. Moving on to work for marketing at L’Oreal, she continued to feel like there were no brands to fit her hair care needs and thus Bread Beauty Supply was born.
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