8 Spring Outfits Industry Insiders Are Wearing At Home
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In a few weeks time, we’re set to hit the one year anniversary of the UK’s first national lockdown. For many of us, that means we will have been working from home for an entire 12-months and while I call myself a fashion editor, I have to admit even I’m running out of interesting ideas for how to get dressed each morning.
In desperate need of WFH outfit inspiration, I decided to turn to some of the most fashionable women in the industry, tapping into the minds (and wardrobes) of stylists and fashion buyers from brands including Harrods, Net-A-Porter, Mytheresa, Brown and more. Having asked eight stylish women exactly what they’re wearing at home, I discovered they all unanimously agree, there is just no substitute for comfort right now.
Whether it’s throwing on a cosy knit, or wearing their favourite leggings on repeat, the common ground between each and every answer is that they’re all prioritising outfits that offer a sense of ease (and often the bonus of a stretchy waistband). Of course, being the stylish individuals that they are, looking polished and put together is still a must, so joggers and leggings are being elevated with the addition of crisp shirting, mood-boosting jewellery and statement Zoom-ready lipstick.
From Mytheresa’s Tiffy Hsu to Harrod’s Maria Milano, keep scrolling to see how eight stylish women are dressing at home during lockdown.
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