I Suddenly Want a Pair of Leather Trousers and These Are the Best Ones
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I’ve become a woman possessed—I simply must own a pair of leather trousers this year. It’s really rare that this kind of desire sweeps over me; for a fashion editor I actually buy very little. So when the urge comes, I know I should follow it as 99.9 per cent of the time, it results in a sensible purchase that I’ll get plenty of wear out of for years to come.
Once upon a time leather trousers were the ultimate in discomfort. One can’t help but instantly conjure up images of Ross from Friends and his leather-pant disaster when considering them. But since then the technology behind the hides and fabrics used has moved on leaps and bounds (stretch leather and leather-blends are a thing of absolute genius), we’re now at a point where the association with talcum powder is all but obliterated.
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