Games World

Random: This Artist’s Majora’s Mask X TNG Mash Up Is Too Good For This World

Night bird!

If you like yourself some Star Trek — and what intelligent, attractive person doesn’t? — there’s certainly plenty of it around at the moment. New series, new films, new games; it’s a bountiful time for fans of the final frontier. Star Trek: Picard is currently deep into its second season, with the full main cast of The Next Generation confirmed to be returning in Season 3, and the upcoming Star Trek: Strange New Worlds seems to be offering a return to the episodic planet-of-the-week-style format that fans of ‘Legacy’ Trek have been jonesing for.

However, we recently stumbled across the beginnings of a fan project that loaded our torpedo bays with more nostalgia than that, even. Behold a bold meeting of two of our very favourite things in the universe: Star Trek: TNG and Zelda: Majora’s Mask.

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