Games World

Feature: 10 3DS Retail Games That Might Be Cheaper To Buy Digitally While You Can

Comparing digital to skyrocketing physical prices.

Some 3DS games are super cheap to buy physically, which makes sense considering the success of the system. There are others, however, which have seen their secondhand prices shoot up in recent years. It’s easy enough to find copies of big-selling first-party titles at acceptable prices (even if that means playing near-enough original RRP for your Pokémons), but other games have really shot up in price in a relatively short space of time.

Feature: 29 Best 3DS eShop Games You Should Get Before They’re Gone Forever

We’ve covered quite thoroughly the digital-only games we think are worth picking up before the 3DS, DSi and Wii U stores close up shop forever in March 2023, but we thought it was worth taking a brief look at the prices of retail games versus their digital counterparts. While it might seem counter-intuitive for lovers of physical media to resort to digital downloads — especially from a store which is soon closing its digital doors — physical prices will only increase once the digital version is no longer available. Pleasantly, it seems that Nintendo has reprinted various retail releases, so you should be able to find the most popular games for a while yet. Still, the clock is ticking, especially for the not-Kirbys and the not-Zeldas.

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