Games World

Memory Pak: The Scariest Resident Evil Scene No One Talks About

REmake turns 20.

It’s been 20 years to the day since Resident Evil launched on GameCube in Japan — can you believe it? The once-exclusive remake of the 1996 original has since achieved legendary status, with many fans declaring it as the strongest entry to the franchise. I happen to agree; yes, Resident Evil 4 is arguably more influential and truly shaped the third-person shooter genre, but in my opinion, Resident Evil (y’know what, let’s just call it REmake from now on) REmake is survival horror in its purest form. It’s got fixed camera angles, limited inventory space, door loading screens, and zombies. So many zombies.

If you were to ask anybody who’s played REmake what the scariest scene in the game is, chances are you’ll hear the usual suspects: the first zombie encounter; Lisa Trevor’s agonising wail echoing through the night; Neptune the shark stalking you in the Aqua Ring; the dogs; the giant tarantulas.

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