The Matrix star Keanu Reeves returns to another iconic role of his as John Constantine for a potential sequel. Later this year, audiences will see Keanu Reeves return to his most iconic role as Neo for The Matrix 4, rumored to have the subtitle Resurrections. Last year, Reeves returned for Bill & Ted Face The […]
“Donkey, your days are numbered. The knackersâ yard awaits you”. One of the most influential and acclaimed novelists of his generation, award-winning writer Martin Amis â famous for books such as Money, London Fields and The Information â isn’t the kind of name you’d perhaps expect to see on a site about video games, but […]
Au moins 19 personnes sont mortes dimanche et une soixantaine ont Ă©tĂ© blessĂ©es dans l’incendie d’un immeuble du quartier du Bronx Ă New York, a annoncĂ© sur place le nouveau maire de la ville Ăric Adams. Environ 200 soldats du feu Ă©taient mobilisĂ©s sur place en milieu de journĂ©e.