Berlin/Prebberede (dpa/tmn) – Es gelingt auf einem Bett aus Salz oder gleich in einer ganzen Salzkruste: Kommen Fisch, Fleisch oder GemĂĽse derart präpariert in den Ofen, garen sie in ihrem eigenen Saft und verlieren kein Aroma. Ein beliebter Klassiker ist Fisch im Salzmantel, etwa eine Dorade oder e
Ukrainian president Volodymy Zelensky holds a press conference on Russia’s military operation in Ukraine on February 25. | Presidency of Ukraine/Handout/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images The Ukrainian president has a past as an actor and comedian. He’s using it to wage a public relations war. European Union leaders gathered last week to discuss just how […]
If I had to highlight only one term that has the power to make a beauty editor shudder unlike any other, it would have to be “anti-ageing”. Because the truth is (and brace yourselves for this one), no beauty product truly has the power to totally reverse the signs of ageing. No serum, cream, oil or mask that […]