Berlin (dpa) – Kanzlerkandidat Armin Laschet hat die Union angesichts schlechter Umfragewerte zum Kämpfen in der entscheidenden Phase bis zur Bundestagswahl aufgerufen und die SPD attackiert. “Die Stimmung ist schwierig, wir dürfen uns nur nicht verrückt machen lassen”, sagte der CDU-Chef in Braunsc
When you’re not playing the games, obvs. Being a fan of Nintendo-based video game music has historically been pretty tough. Older aural aficionados would cling tightly to their Killer Cuts CDs, dedicated collectors wept at the triple-digit pricing of rare Japanese CD sets containing most, but never quite all, of a popular ’90s RPG soundtrack, […]
Nothing gets your creative energy flowing quite like a trip to Copenhagen. The Scandi city is rife with talented designers, well-dressed fashion lovers, and plenty of inspiring scenery. The fall/winter 2022 shows during Copenhagen Fashion Week definitely didn’t disappoint, with local and international industry insiders descending upon Denmark wearing the coolest looks to date. Fringed leather? Check. […]