Games World

Mini Review: Picross S7 – Holy Moly, They Only Went And Added Touch Support


If there’s one Nintendo franchise that has desperately needed a new entry in modern times, it’s Picross. Just nine months on from S6, barely five months since the SEGA-flavoured Picross S Genesis & Master System edition, and after the thrilling cliffhanger ending, we’ve been eager to see how Jupiter would tie up this epic ‘S’ saga it’s been building for the past few years. The plot has taken some very bizarre turns along the way—that arc where Shigeru Miyamoto and the crew split off from the main party to join the neighborhood soapland was as disturbing as it was entertaining—but we’re happy to report that Picross S7 is packed full of callbacks to all your favorite characters from the Picross universe. Newcomers like “Sponge Cake” and “Wheat” add a lot to the cast, too, while mainstays like “Scuba” and “Euphonium” get the payoff they always deserved…

This is complete nonsense, of course. Every Picross game up till now has been nothing more than a new pack of a few hundred more nonogram puzzles to add to the massive pile of existing ones from previous games that you keep telling yourself you’ll ‘get around to’ one of these days. Let’s be real, you’ll never go back to those previous entries, and you can be just as sure that still isn’t going to stop you from buying this new entry. Why, you ask? Simple. Because this is more Picross, but with touch controls!

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