Games World

Feature: Super Mario And Friends – A History Of Mainline Mario Multiplayer

We look back on the plumber’s co-op exploits.

If you’re reading this, it’s a safe bet to assume you’ve hung out with Mario and his pals at least once in your life. Whether you were revving up karts, hitting the tennis courts for a few sets, or attending those cruel parties where every coin and star you had was stolen (no, I’m not mad), Mario’s non-platforming multiplayer shenanigans need little introduction. The Mushroom Kingdom crew has seen more adventures than most across a variety of disciplines, and we’ve often been able to bring our friends along for the ride. Yet, despite Mario’s rich multiplayer history, the main Super Mario games have historically been a mixed bag in this department.

Mario’s 2D adventures gained co-op consistency in the last decade, but it wasn’t until Super Mario 3D World that 3D entries truly brought multiplayer to life. Offering four-player local co-op back on the Wii U, it’s arguably Super Mario’s multiplayer platforming peak, and with online being added to the Bowser’s Fury Switch port, we’ll potentially soon have our hands on the definitive package. We’re less than a month away now from launch, and with that in mind — spin-offs aside — we’ve decided to take a look back the history of Super Mario’s multiplayer…

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