If It Doesn’t Come in White Bouclé, I’m Not Interested
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I can completely understand why the current fashion and interiors trend for white bouclé has come to be. In these hard, scary times is it any wonder we desire to be comforted, cosseted and kept all snuggly, floating away on a cloud of bouncy, white fabric? We will not look back on this period as a moment for studs, spiked heels and shoulder pads but cashmere loungewear and soft-as-you-like puffer coats.
Surreal Switch surprise. Were you feeling a little woeful about the somewhat-sparse February 2022 game lineup? Then wrap your face around this: About An Elf is a surreal, “point-and-click-ish, rpg-ish, visual-novel-ish game” that’s due out in February, and it’s… well, it’s a lot of things. We’re not sure what any of them are, of course. […]
Chute de neige épaisse la nuit dernière sans vent Reddit L’article Chute de neige épaisse la nuit dernière sans vent est apparu en premier sur zimo news.
Der Bundeswahlausschuss entscheidet über die Zulassung mehrerer Landeslisten zur Bundestagswahl. Die AfD in Bremen darf doch antreten – die Entscheidung zu den Grünen im Saarland steht noch aus. Die AfD kann bei der Bundestagswahl am 26. September nun doch auf Stimmen aus Bremen zählen. Der Bundesw