From VB to Kate Moss, These Are the Perfumes Your Favourite Celebs Actually Wear
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Choosing a signature scent isn’t easy—trust me. I’ve spent years trialling hundreds of perfumes in a quest to find The One. From affordable spritzes to blow-the-budget blends, no perfume that I sprayed quite cut the mustard. Why? Because for years I was absolutely convinced that I didn’t want to smell like anyone else out there. I was adamant that I would never become the person who stopped someone on the street and asked what their perfume was because unless I’d discovered it for myself, I didn’t want it.
However, many years (and a whole lot of beauty expertise) later, as I walked to meet a friend, a waft so fierce and feminine kissed my nose that my senses ran away from me, and I more or less chased a lady through a train station to ask her what perfume she was wearing (Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady, should you be wondering).
Fast-forward to today, and that very perfume sits proudly on my beauty shelf. So while it took me a little while to come to terms with the fact that it’s okay to smell like someone else, I’ve since learned that sharing recommendations is actually a great way to discover new perfumes. And the best people to take inspiration from? The A-list, of course.
Since discovering my beloved Portrait of a Lady, I’ve become obsessed with knowing what scents the people around me hold close to them, and my favourite celebrities are no exception. From Victoria Beckham to Kate Moss, keep scrolling to shop the A-list’s absolute favourite perfumes.
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