Looking at These 28 Blonde Bobs Made Me Cut My Hair
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Being experimental with your hair doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go all-out with new hues, statement fringing or lashings of layers. Often, the simplest switches make the most impact. Right now, as our strands continue to grow without the prospect of a cut any time soon, it seems everyone is busy dreaming of and mood boarding potential styles to opt for once the salons are back up and running.
And, with more time to ponder on and weigh up the pros of a dramatic change, I thought it might be worth sharing my recent experience in hope it might inspire some of you. You see, I recently chopped off my lengthy blonde hair to join the bob/long bob brigade. A few months back, after researching for a feature on blunt bob hairstyles, I convinced myself to go for the chop, which was masterfully created by session stylist Jenn Linton of Linton & Mac.
And guess what? I’ve found it to be one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. Not only does my new blonde bob take half the drying time that it used to, but somehow, it also makes everything I wear look significantly cooler.
I’m not the only one who sings the blonde bob’s praises. Keep scrolling to see the best blonde bob hairstyles on influencers and A-listers alike.
This piece was published at an earlier date and has since been updated.
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