Adding 30 Seconds to Your Routine Could Result in Glowing Skin
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For many years now, we have been led to believe that the best way to achieve a flawless, glowing complexion, is to slap on just about every superhero serum you can get your hands on. From vitamin C to retinol and hyaluronic acid to ceramides, the beauty industry would have us believe that providing we’re applying the right ingredients, our skin will be forever young.
With that in mind, it makes sense that when we all found ourselves with a little more time on our hands in 2020, we started investing in our skincare routines more so than ever. We filled our bathroom cabinets up with whatever lotions and potions had come recommended to us and applied serum after serum and mask after mask as part of our quest to achieve perfectly balanced, healthy-looking skin.
But after many months of slathering on every skincare product that has come our way, skin experts are preaching a very important message for 2021: It’s time to slow things down again. Instead of buying up every miracle-promising product that comes onto our radar, it’s time to not only buy, but also apply more thoughtfully, and slower at that. It turns out, patience is a crucial ingredient in the recipe for great, glowing skin. In order to suss out exactly how we should be slowing down our skincare routines in order to reap the best benefits, we reached out to some of skincare’s most in-the-know experts to get their top tips.
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