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If H&M wasn’t on your shopping radar before 2020, chances are that, now, it absolutely is. Even in the face of a harsh retail market, the high street mega brand has had a knockout year, and seemed to have a knack for designing the pieces we actually wanted to wear in that precise moment, before we even knew we needed them in our wardrobes. Many of these items were so in-demand, they proceeded to sell out faster than banana loaf baking tins.
Now, to list every H&M best-selling item of 2020 would likely take hours and would require the entire Who What Wear team to down tools and pour all their energy into it. So, we decided to take a sartorial walk down memory lane to revisit the cult H&M pieces that you can still buy a very good homage of.
From the £50 boots that look significantly more expensive to the beautiful two-piece that’s been reinvented in dress form, keep scrolling to see H&M’s best-selling items, then shop the closest thing to the originals.
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