I Asked the Experts—These Will Be 2021’s Defining Interior Trends
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There are many things we’re looking to leave behind us in 2020, but our obsession with interiors isn’t one of them. For most of us, our homes have become our places of work as well as our havens of rest. As such, it’s understandable that elevating our spaces has become a priority. Still, that doesn’t mean that your quest to achieve interiors nirvana needs to be over. For now, on the cusp of a new year, fresh interiors trends are starting to emerge. With our interests piqued, we decided to ask those in the know what they think 2021’s big interior trends will be.
We consulted with Charmaine White, founder and interior designer at The White House Interiors, Matthew Tranter, founder of architectural and interiors visualisation studio Pillar Visuals, and Sophie Elliot and Cloe Bueso, co-founders of The Sette, find out how we should be decorating in 2021. Here’s what they said.
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