You know Florence? Florence originally came to Switch back in February 2020, but we didn’t manage to review it at launch. Following several reader requests, we’re pleased to say we found time to catch up with it over the holidays… What is Florence? It could be described as an interactive novella or a visual novel, […]
Der SPIEGEL-Bericht über eine geheime Afghanistan-Mitteilung aus Washington bringt Außenminister Maas in Erklärungsnot. Die Opposition hat brisante Fragen: Wurden Warnungen der Botschafterin nicht ernst genommen?
Inspired by Moomins! Solo UK-based developer (and illustrator!) Louis Durrant, AKA carrotcake, launched the Kickstarter for The Garden Path on July 21st, and hit their 100% goal earlier this week. Now, with less than two days left on the campaign, it’s all about hitting those stretch goals — and the first one was achieved today. […]