The Suicide Squad director James Gunn revealed an incredible look at the team as they made two front covers of Empire Magazine. Although we have a long wait until The Suicide Squad arrives in theaters, James Gunn recently revealed two stunning covers for the next issue of Empire Magazine which feature the team. The plot […]
Glasgow (dpa) – Am Ende gab es Wut und Tränen der Enttäuschung, aber auch lauten Jubel: Nach zwei Wochen harter Verhandlungen hat die UN-Klimakonferenz in Schottland die Staaten der Welt erstmals dazu aufgefordert, den Ausstieg aus der klimaschädlichen Kohleverbrennung einzuleiten. Der am Samstagabe
Just imagine 1080p, 60FPS. This year marks The Legend of Zelda’s 35th anniversary. Much like Super Mario’s celebrations, Nintendo could potentially revive any game in the series. Read the full article on