Bei seinem ersten Auftritt vor der Uno wollte Joe Biden Optimismus versprühen und versprach eine neue Ära der Diplomatie. Aber der US-Präsident stieß auf Skepsis und Kritik – auch wegen der eigenen Fehltritte.
Peacemaker gets absolutely roasted in this brand new clip from HBO Max’s first DCEU series. Ahead of Peacemaker‘s panel at DC FanDome, HBO Max has debuted the first clip from James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad spin-off series. Starring John Cena’s patriotic hero, the series is set to focus on the character’s origins, as well as […]
And you can use your feet! For most mere mortals, getting over 100 lines on Game Boy Tetris (seeing that shuttle for the first time) is as good as it’s ever going to get, but there are others who strive to achieve perfection in this classic puzzler (which is getting its own movie soon). For […]