Games World

Feature: What Does Nintendo Have Planned For Zelda’s 35th Anniversary?

Our predictions for 2021’s biggest gaming birthday.

The 35th anniversary year of Super Mario Bros. will soon draw to a close and although Nintendo have extended the celebrations to 31st March 2021 (a day which Mario himself will do well to survive, it seems), 2021 marks the 35th birthday of the next-most celebrated series in the Kyoto company’s catalogue: The Legend of Zelda.

The various announcements for Mario’s 35th were kept under wraps until September this year, a matter of days before the anniversary of the Japanese Famicom release, although pandemic-related scheduling disruption may have played a part in that timing. The Legend of Zelda launched on Famicom Disk System in Japan on 21st February 1986, so while it’s possible we’ll see an announcement in the first weeks of the new year, we also wouldn’t be surprised if we hear nothing until April (once all the Mario stuff is over).

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