Games World

Random: This Tragic Tale Proves You Should Never Assume Your Parents Will Store Your Gaming Crap Forever

“Well over $500k of games” lost.

If you’re old enough to have left the bosom of your parent’s home then you’ll no doubt be aware of a tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation – the unspoken but mutually understood rule that the outgoing child is able to leave belongings in the family home for years, if not decades, later.

However, for one individual, it would seem that his mother didn’t get the memo. According to Twitter user @jnlgame – which is an account connected to a New York game store – over 500 games (many of which were sealed) were dumped, as well as “my Ataris, Coleco, Intelli, Famicom, S Famicom, TGfx, PCE, NG AES, MegaDrive, Master System, basically every system and game I never took with me.”

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