Games World

Youtubers Life 2 Hopes To Rack Up The Likes With An October Release

It seems a small ‘t’ keeps the takedowns at bay.

Earlier in the year we shared the announcement of Youtubers Life 2, which either has an unannounced deal with Google to use the YouTube brand or gets away with it courtesy of a non-capitalised ‘T’. Either way, the original shifted well over a million copies, showing there’s an appetite for the concept of an influencer-sim. The new entry looks like a step-up in terms of scope, and we’ll be able to see for ourselves when it launches on 19th October; it’ll be priced at $39.99/£34.99.

In the new entry you get out of the bedroom and hit the streets of ‘NewTube City’, and it’s very much a ‘content creator sim’ as you post on various platforms in the quest for likes, subscribers and sweet, sweet sponsorship deals (ok, we may have made the last one up, but it might be in the game). It looks like it could be fun – if the concept appeals to you – as you can explore, complete quests and seemingly get up to all sorts of activities.

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