We’re in Our 50s, Have Tried a Ton of Basics, and Now Rely on These 8 Easy Items
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Janet Gunn is the inspiring influencer behind The Grateful Gardenia. Originally from Texas, the 58-year-old style guru is now settled in Los Angeles with her husband, son, and dog Buster. She’s worked as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, flight attendant, actor, jewellery designer, and beyond. In other words, she has a ton of experience and an equally cool personal style. Melissa Meyers is a Los Angeles–based influencer with a focus on beauty, style, travel, and wellness. Her blog, The Glow Girl, aims to empower women to embrace the best version of themselves, age gracefully, and cultivate a glow from the inside out. She also happens to be 54 years old and has a penchant for masterfully styling trends. Here, the fashionable duo teams up to discuss the basics they swear by. Oh, and don’t forget to follow them at @janetgunngratefulgardenia and @melissameyers.
Janet Gunn and Melissa Meyers are always filled with insightful style recommendations. And while age clearly has nothing to do with what you should or shouldn’t wear, these ladies are over 50, and it’s that more experienced fashion perspective that’s consistently intriguing. On that note, we wanted to get their feedback on some of the staples they’ve relied on over the years to build their well-balanced outfits.
They previously shared with us the basics they wear to look chic, and we wanted to dive even deeper into this topic to get a sense of the winter basics that are no-brainer in their eyes. In reality, they’ve tested out a ton of basics over the years, so they know what truly works best for them specifically. With all that in mind, keep scrolling to check out the easy items they’re wearing more than anything else right now, complete with styling inspiration. If you’re interested in adding a piece or two into your offering too, there’s also a smattering of shopping picks sprinkled throughout for you to shop.
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