Games World

This Cool GBA SP Mod Offers Bluetooth Audio, Better Stamina And Wireless Charging

Bring your GBA up to 2021 standards.

The art of taking vintage gaming hardware and retrofitting it with modern creature comforts is something we wholeheartedly endorse here at Nintendo Life – whether it’s adding USB-C charging to the original Game Boy or updating the blurry screen of the Game Gear, if such a venture can improve the system in a meaningful way, then we’re all for it.

Now, two modders have worked their magic on the Game Boy Advance SP, which is, in the eyes of many, one of the best Nintendo portables ever made. Sure, it doesn’t have a 3.5mm headphone socket, but that clamshell design makes it one of the most pocket-friendly gaming devices ever – and runs the full Game Boy library of titles, too.

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