The Anti-Skinny Jean Trend That’s Back and Cooler Than Ever
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I tend to gravitate towards tailored, polished pieces so you might be surprised to hear about one of my recent fashion obsessions: ripped jeans. I tie it to both the more casual, comfortable wardrobe I’ve been adopting this year, the grunge-inspired fashion unfolding on TikTok, and my general love of all things ‘90s, but there’s no denying that I can’t get enough of the trend. Plus, it’s been everywhere on the fashion scene recently, so I’ve been inspired by all of the cool ways insiders are wearing it right now.
Whether worn with the knitted vest trend, chunky loafers, a knit polo, or a structured blazer (as I’ve been styling them), there are plenty of cool ways to wear outfits with ripped denim this season. Ahead, see my favorite ways to style the coolest denim trend of the moment and scroll to the end to see how I’m wearing them myself.
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