The lead-up to Christmas is going to be hugely different this year—instead of a stream of work parties, friend reunions and trips to Winter Wonderland, most of us are just thinking about the people we really want to be able to see and spoil with love on Christmas Day. Coach has centred its entire Christmas campaign around this sentiment, with Jennifer Lopez and Michael B Jordan inviting us into their homes, for a glimpse of what a family Christmas looks like to them. You might expect JLO to spend December in sequins, sequins and more sequins on a fabulous private beach somewhere, however in these images we see Jennifer in a more relaxed setting, in her back garden with her mother Guadalupe, and children, Emme and Max, while wearing a Christmas jumper.
I’d never have thought JLO’s Christmas would look anything like my own, however I do hope to celebrate on December 25th in my very best festive knit, on my own sofa as a family of four. Instead of LA, I usually spend my own Christmas Day at my family home in Manchester with my parents and sister. We open presents in our festive pyjamas over a Bucks Fizz, and then all dress up for Christmas Day lunch, typically wearing cashmere jumpers and our fanciest midi dresses, and then finish our last bite of trifle just in time for the Queen’s Speech. Then we collapse on the sofa for a marathon of Christmas TV.
This year has seen us all reassess what is important and valuable to us, and so nostalgic family memories and traditions feel more sentimental than ever. When it comes to Christmas gifts I want to be more considered, and buy things I am certain my loved ones will actually want. This has been a difficult year for everyone, and so not only do I want to make an extra effort to really think about what will make them feel special, but I want to attempt some Pinterest-worthy wrapping and make some thoughtful, really personal cards.
While I work on my own Christmas lists, I spoke to the other editors on the WWW team to find out about their own traditions and the Coach items they are eying up as the perfect gifts for both themselves and their loved ones this year.
My typical Christmas usually sees me and my husband trekking all over the country—from Wales to the south coast to south London—lugging excessively large bags of presents along with us. There’s the chance this year might be a little different, and there’s part of me that would miss those long train journeys, sipping coffee and watching the English countryside flash by if I can’t make my usual journey. I have no doubt that we will find a way to make it work, be it a chilly, socially-distanced walk or a cheeky toast via Zoom. And, whatever happens, I plan to consume copious amounts of turkey. It is tradition after all.
It has become somewhat of a tradition in my household that everyone wears red on Christmas day. Despite the fact that this year I will be on the opposite side of the world to my family (who are based in Melbourne, Australia) I still plan to keep the tradition alive with my flatmate. I’ll be wearing the hue, alongside some statement accessories to keep myself feeling festive for all of those inevitable breakfast Christmas Day Zoom calls to my family back home.
I don’t really know what to expect this Christmas when it comes to seeing family but I do know that my favourite thing to do over the period can’t be taken away and that’s giving presents to people. While I’m very lucky that I’ve got my husband and toddler to see over the holiday period, I haven’t hugged my mum or twin sister (or any other family member) since March, so I’d very much like to give them something they love. I honestly love getting people gifts—it always eclipses anything I get. Other than that my favourite tradition over the holidays is wrapping presents hurriedly on Christmas Eve (love a deadline), while eating cheese and drinking wine and watching something like Home Alone or Die Hard (I maintain it is a Christmas film).
Last year I spent Christmas in a total daze with a newborn and a cold, so I’m hoping that for any celebrations this season—whether very low-key or not—that I can try to relax, kick back and enjoy the moment a little more. My plans? I’ll take any excuse to get cosy with my husband and my little boy, so hopefully we can have a brisk walk on a sunny winter’s day and spend the rest of it lounging on the sofa totally full from roast potatoes and pigs-in-blankets!
I’ve already told you a little bit about what my typical Christmas Day looks like, but these are the items I’m loving for the festive season.