Games World

Mini Review: Ayo The Clown – A Breezy Platformer That Yoshi Fans Will Enjoy

We all float down here.

Ayo the Clown is something of a rarity; a pure 2.5D platform game set across bite sized linear stages. It owes a lot of its core gameplay ideas to classic Mario titles — and quite explicitly takes inspiration from various entries in the Yoshi series — with cute character design, levels that promote exploration and verticality, and a host of enemies and obstacles to halter your progress. With rather simple graphics and kid-friendly presentation, Ayo the Clown would be quite easy to dismiss, but the gameplay here is pleasingly tight, making this a great, accessible alternative to a Yoshi platformer.

The story starts with Ayo and his beloved dog sleeping peacefully, before the clown is rudely awakened to find that his best friend has mysteriously disappeared. It’s a simple story, to be sure, but one that suitably drives the narrative to the end. As you progress through the levels, you’ll meet a range of friendly NPCS, some of whom request Ayo help them out, and others dishing out new abilities for you to utilise.

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