30 Beyond-Easy Hairstyles That Are Perfect for Summer
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When the temperature soars, your hair is usually the last thing you want to think about. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve planned out the perfect summer outfit from head to toe only to get so hot and bothered that there was simply no other option but to throw my hair up into a messy bun and call it a day. And don’t even get me started on humidity. It’s the nemesis of chic summer hairstyles and can ruin the sleekest of looks in minutes, especially for those of us with textured hair.
However, with a little experimentation and a lot of research, I’ve found that there are a few low-maintenance hairstyles that look good, scream “summer-ready” and are beyond easy to re-create at home. Keep scrolling for 30 of the best easy summer hairstyles for all different hair types, lengths and textures.
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