I Swear By These 6 Products When I’m Feeling Stressed Out
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If you’d asked pre-2020 me if I was someone that was prone to stress I would have said no. That’s not to say that I never felt stressed—daily commutes, a busy work week and a jam-packed social calendar meant that there were definitely times when I felt frazzled—but prolonged periods of stress just weren’t something that I was used to dealing with. Then that all changed. Of course, we all know what happened: a global pandemic hit and totally turned all of our daily lives upside down. When the UK entered its first lockdown, I had an 11-week-old baby and my stress levels were through the roof. I felt constantly on high alert: I was jumpy, my heart would race at the slightest noise, and I was incredibly anxious. And, baby aside, I know I’m not alone in finding the last year incredibly stress-inducing. Despite all of the motivational Instagram posts encouraging us to see the positive side in slowing down and spending more time at home, it’s been a worrying time for many.
As we start to slowly ease out of lockdown restrictions in the UK, I have to say that being able to see friends and family again has been the best tonic for soothing stress. But on days where I can feel the cortisol rising, I’ve discovered a few products that genuinely help to calm my mind and ease anxiety. Enter: the This Works Stress Check collection.
Berlin (dpa) – Die Union hat die grüne Idee eines Ministeriums für Einwanderungsfragen scharf zurückgewiesen. “Wir brauchen kein grünes Multi-Kulti-Ministerium, in dem linke Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten ihre Agenda umsetzen. Wir müssen Migration wirksam ordnen und steuern”, schrieb CDU-Generalsekret
Natalia Poklonskaïa, alors procureure générale de Crimée, le 9 mai 2016 à Simferopol, avec un portrait du tsar Nicolas II. MAX VETROV / AFP Ce n’est certes pas Sainte-Hélène, ou la Sibérie, mais difficile d’y voir mieux qu’un exil doré. Mercredi 13 octobre, un oukaze du président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a confirmé la rumeur qui courait depuis […]
Dänemarks Königin Margrethe II. (81) und ihr Sohn Kronprinz Frederik (53) werden heute zu einem viertägigen Staatsbesuch in Deutschland erwartet. Außerdem wird der dänische Außenminister Jeppe Kofod der Delegation angehören. Die Einladung an das Königshaus kam von Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinm