Schweinehalter sollen nun doch unbürokratisch an Hilfen kommen, wenn sie vor allem pandemiebedingt mit Umsatzeinbußen zu kämpfen haben. “Die gefundene Lösung ist die Rettung für Hunderte Landwirte allein in Bayern”, teilte Wirtschaftsminister Hubert Aiwanger (Freie Wähler) am Samstag in München mit.
An uncommonly original and tenderhearted celebration of how an artist becomes an artist. Childhood is one great brush-stroke of loneliness, thick and pastel-colored, its edges blurring out into the whole landscape of life. In this blur of being by ourselves, we learn to be ourselves. One measure of maturity might be how well we grow […]
Kevin Feige appeared at Disney Plus’ TCA presentation and shared Marvel Studios isn’t developing a WandaVision season two at the moment. WandaVision has become a hit on Disney Plus and with two episodes left, some fans are hoping a second season might be in the cards. WandaVision is the first TV series to come from […]