Collab with real YouTubers and hit the bigtime. Launching today on Nintendo Switch is Youtubers Life 2, the latest channel-making, content creation simulator from Raiser Games and UPLAY Online. Unsurprisingly released as a sequel to the original Youtubers Life, this new release has players taking on the role of an emerging online star in NewTube […]
Mortal Kombat director Simon McQuoid and producer Todd Garner sat down with us and revealed some interesting things about the upcoming reboot. We recently got the chance to view the first thirteen minutes of the upcoming live-action reboot of Mortal Kombat and participate in an early press day for the film where we had a […]
Les champions du monde français ont lancé leur campagne qualificative pour le Mondial-2022 au Qatar avec un match décevant. Ils n’ont décroché qu’un match nul à domicile contre l’Ukraine (1-1).